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A Vision For The World,

A Home For Your Family

About Sue

"Confectionately Yours" Produced by Sue

From the time I got my Easy Bake Oven at age 7, I knew cooking would always be enjoyable to me. My dad was a cook in the navy for a few years before I was born and my mother, a full-time nurse anesthetist, was also a good cook - even though she really didn't enjoy it much. She was the driving force behind homemade meals every night anywhere from 2-10 people... so it's understandable that one might tire of this over time.


Because of their busy work schedule in my teen years, I was given free rein to experiment in the kitchen as long as I cleaned it up afterward. We only had one cookbook in the house (a thick volume of casseroles written by Home Economics teachers) and even though we hardly ever made anything from it, I read it from cover to cover several times over the years. I learned to cook meat and potato type meals by watching my parents and trial and error. (By the way, I still have that cookbook.)


In 1978, after I graduated from nursing school, I married my husband who was training to be Air Force navigator in an RC-135, a reconnaissance plane. From our starting point in Mississippi, we traveled extensively throughout the United States and moved on average, every 2-3 years during his 20-year career. We set up housekeeping, made new friends and searched for a good church with every move to provide us with a sense of "home" and "family" away from our folks in Mississippi.


Early on in the marriage, I began collecting state cookbooks, focusing on the regional ones from churches or women's groups and I loved collecting recipes from friends. Everyone is a little piece of my past and I never fail to think of the person or place the recipes originated from when I make them.

A former pastor once said that we rarely, if ever, affect someone in a neutral way when we cross their path. It's usually a negative or positive reaction. The Bible says "Even a child is known by his doings."

When I think of my father, I remember the chicken and dressing he made for holiday meals and that he never failed to offer food or drink when someone came to our house.



My mother's spaghetti sauce, which I cannot duplicate, was one of the best dishes, along with her fried chicken and homemade biscuits.

We laughingly remember the time my father said rather pathetically, that if he didn't get biscuits in the morning, he felt bad all day. Mother just grinned, rolled her eyes...and made daddy biscuits as often as possible.


Seasonal holiday dishes, get-togethers with friends and family, sharing homemade treats with co-workers, sending a meal to a new mom or homemade soup for a sick friend, classroom party treats, funeral meals for a grieving family...


These all are comforting practical things I love to do to show people that I care about them-to the affect them somehow in

that positive way my pastor talked about. This is what I hope

to be remembered for and leave behind when my days on this earth are over.


Catering & Events


In the past I have loved catering for special events. I don't do quite so much in this season of life, but I do love being a part of the activities at my church.

"Baking A Memory" CookBook Online Ordering

Chocolate Bonbons

"Baking A Memory" Cookbook
Click Here To Order Online


    My goal for this cookbook is to economically use the pantry and freezer staples for the bulk of the recipes. Who has time to run out for special ingredients all the time? I also wanted to incorporate recipes that give you the option to make, rather than buy breads, pizza dough, pie crust, sauces, pasta, seasoning mixes and salad dressings. Sometimes, I just don't want to try a new recipe, but if the ingredients are part of my pantry, I can continue without interruption.

    Most recipes are basic, easy and many can be frozen so you can "Cook once, eat twice." Few are complicated, but I assure they are worth the effort every once in a while.


    This book is the result of 30+ years of entertaining in our home, organizing church banquets and potlucks, reading cookbooks like novels, testing recipes I have collected from anywhere and everywhere, cooking for groups that often average 150 or more and just playing with food. Tips and hints that I have learned over the years are included so that even the most inexperienced cooks will have good results. I do not claim to be an expert or trained chef, but I love what I do, and I hope to somehow convey.


Most of all, I hope that you too, will soon be..."Baking A Memory".

"Confectionately Yours",

  Sue Murphy

“Life is uncertain...  Eat dessert first!” 

- Sue Murphy -

Oatmeal Cookies

Sue's Breads & Cookies


Cookies are my absolute favorite dessert! I almost haven't met a cookie I didn't like... As for breads I have always been fascinated with the process, but I had no one to show me how. I am a visual learner. After obtaining a bread machine, I began experimenting allowing the bread machine to mix and rise the dough. 

sugar cookies_edited.jpg

Let's Talk

Confectionately Yours

I would love to hear from you!

Please feel free to use the form below to order my cookbook "Baking A Memory",

or just to drop me a line.

The price of the cookbook is $20.00, shipping is included.

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